Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands - Fortnite Weekly Challenge

Fortnite Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands is one of the weekly challenges in Season 3 Week 1. It requires you to find a shark in the waters of Sweaty Sands and deal damage to it however you can; if you kill it, you’ll even get some loot for your troubles. To help you out on your way, here’s our Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands – Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge guide. We’ll also show you how to ride the shark.

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Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands Fortnite Season 3 Weekly Challenge
Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands – Fortnite Weekly Challenge

How to Damage Sweaty Sands Loot Sharks for Season 3 Weekly Challenge in Fortnite?

To damage loot sharks in Sweaty Sands to complete the weekly challenge in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3, you first have to figure out where Sweaty Sands is on this new map. Well, it’s in he west, between Pleasant Park and Holly Hedges. Consult the image below to see exactly where you have to go. Once you arrive in Sweaty Sands, you’ll have to troll around the island’s coast until you come across a shark in the water. We found one in the southwest corner.

how to complete damage loot sharks in sweaty sands fortnite season 3 weekly challenge
Sweaty Sands location

When you do find a shark, simply shoot at it as long as you need to. Just be careful, because the shark can jump onto shore and mess you up. If you manage to kill the shark, you’ll get some loot for your troubles. Ours was pretty pathetic, but you never know your luck.

If, on the other hand, you don’t want to kill the shark, you can ride it around instead. Look around for a fishing pole, find a shark, and try to get it onto the hook. If you manage to pull it off, it’s going to start pulling you around. You can control which way it goes, make it jump, boost it, and even make it go on land.

how to complete damage loot sharks in sweaty sands fortnite season 3 weekly challenge
Catch the shark on a fishhook to ride it

So, that’s about it when it comes to the Damage Loot Sharks in Sweaty Sands weekly challenge in Fortnite Season 3. If you need more help with any of the new content in the game, check out some of our other guides we’ve written. Among others, we’ve got Find Gnomes at Homely Hills, New Weapons – Mythic Shockwave Launcher & Charge Shotgun, and Use Whirlpool at Fortilla.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.