Ice Cream Trucks Locations in Fortnite BR
Visit different ice cream trucks is one of the week 4 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete it, you’ll have to find five mysterious trucks strewn across the map. Contrary to what most people expected, you don’t have to destroy them – you only need to approach them. In this guide, we’re going to help you complete this weekly challenge by showing you ice cream trucks locations in Fortnite BR.

Last week, Fortnite players noticed the ice cream trucks in the game had 100000 health points all of a sudden. Fun times were had, with groups of players trying to destroy these trucks for up to 20 minutes, just to see if anything special would happen. Whether it was done on purpose in preparation for season 3 week 4 battle pass challenges or not, Epic decided to make visiting these ice cream trucks an activity for players. Having a lot of health is probably a way for Epic to preserve those trucks on the map, so people couldn’t troll other players by destroying the trucks before others could visit them. If you’ve been playing Fortnite BR for a while, you’ve probably come across these trucks already, but never paid them too much attention. Some are in often-visited locations, like Retail Row, while others can be found in more secluded spots and might be easier to visit without running into too many players (like the one on top of the hill southwest of Salty Springs).
Visit different ice cream trucks challenge locations in Fortnite BR
The first ice cream truck can be found at the motel northwest of Anarchy Acres. It’s in the parking lot, and you can’t miss it (quadrant D2).
You can find another one north of Snobby Shores. It’s stuck on the gravel path near the edge of the island, in quadrant A4. Simply follow the path north from Snobby Shores, and you’ll reach it in no time.
Yet another is in Greasy Grove. It’s in the southwestern corner of the settlement, in quadrant C7. If you stay on the streets, you won’t be able to miss it.
The fourth truck we found was in Retail Row. You’ll find it in front of the book store, in the eastern part of the area (H6).
There’s a hill southwest from Salty Springs, northwest from Fatal Fields. You’ll find another truck there, in front of the house atop the hill.
West of Lucky Landing, there’s a covered bridge crossing the river. If you look under it, you’ll see an overturned ice cream truck. There’s sometimes a chest on the truck as well, so we recommend checking this one out.
While you’re in the area, head east from Lucky Landing. Near the spot where the woods of Moisty Mire begin, you’ll notice a stack of trucks. One of them (the second from the top) is the one you’re looking for.
Keep on going east, into the Moisty Mire. There’s a giant tree in the eastern part of the swamp, near the shore. You’ll find an onverturned truck under its bough.
In the northeastern corner of the map, north from the Wailing Woods, there is a truck on top of a slope. It’s stuck on the ridge above the road leading to the secluded farmhouses.
If you head on down to Tomato Town, you’ll find a truck parked by the pizza place, to the east.
Since everyone in the world likes landing at Tilted Towers, the developers have decided to put one of the ice cream trucks there. It’s in an alleyway in the northern part of town.
When you visit Pleasant Park, you can look for a truck in the northeastern corner, near the mansion. It’s pretty hard to miss, stuck in the middle of an intersection.
The last ice cream truck is hidden in the southwestern corner of Flush Factory. It’s at the end of the lot, past the big rigs and containers.
This week’s challenges might be more difficult than the previous ones. Traps and sniper rifles are rare enough to make killing people with them a hard task. Traps especially, since many players have learned to watch out for them. If you have a group of friends you can team up with, that would make things a lot easier. It would probably be best to steer clear from Flush Factory for the next few days – everybody and their mother will land there in search of chests.
Also keep in mind that the challenges won’t disappear at the end of the week. You can safely leave them for later, and wait until the rush is over. If you’ve already taken this approach before, maybe you could get the Wailing Woods chests now, or dance in forbidden places.