Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki's Mask Parry Genshin Impact
The Genshin Impact “Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki’s Mask Parry” challenge is one of the missions that you can complete by defeating the boss without triggering this parry. In other words, you cannot use any long-range attacks throughout the whole battle. It’s not an easy challenge, but it is doable with the right party and strategy. We’ll explain how to complete this challenge in our Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki’s Mask Parry Genshin Impact guide.

How to Complete Genshin Impact Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki’s Mask Parry Challenge
To compete the “Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki’s Mask Parry” challenge in Genshin Impact, you have to defeat the new samurai boss without triggering its parry. This means that you can’t use any ranged attacks whatsoever, because those instantly activate the mask parry. In other words, you should completely avoid having all characters that have ranged attacks in their arsenal, even as a part of a combo, just in case. In fact, I’d recommend having a party of entirely hand-to-hand combatants and healers.
Basically, you should consider having characters like Diluc and/or Xiao as your main weapons, and then have somebody like Barbara healing them as necessary. Keep close to Maguu Kenki and keep dealing damage constantly. You will take some hits, that’s pretty much unavoidable. Ignore it, stay close to the boss at all times and don’t let it breathe. Constant pressure is going to be very important in completing the Genshin Impact “Long-Range Attack Can Trigger Maguu Kenki’s Mask Parry” challenge. And, of course, no ranged attacks at all; not once. It might take a few tries, but stay patient, and you’ll get it eventually.
If you’re having trouble with something else in the Genshin Impact Midsummer event, feel free to peruse some of our other guides on the subject. Among other stuff, we’ve written Twinning Isle Puzzle – Hymnal Rotating Ring Chest, Rock Sound Puzzle – Broken Isle, and Minacious Isle Upside Down Barrier Chest. I think you’ll find them useful.