Genshin Impact Wheat Location - Pigeon, Duck & Child Quest

Wheat in Genshin Impact is a cooking ingredient in the game, and it’s necessary to complete the Pigeon, Duck and Child quest, aka Timmie’s commission. To do the Pigeon, Duck and Child commission in Genshin Impact, you have to find some wheat and feed it to ducks. Fortunately for you, there are several locations you can visit for that, so figuring out how to get Genshin Impact wheat isn’t too much of an issue. In our Genshin Impact Wheat Location – Pigeon, Duck & Child Quest guide, we’re going to show you exactly where you can find it.

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genshin impact wheat location pigeon duck & child quest
Genshin Impact Wheat Location – Pigeon, Duck & Child Quest

Where to Find Wheat in Genshin Impact

To find wheat in Genshin Impact and complete the Pigeon, Duck & Child quest, there’s a place that you can go to fairly early in the game where there’s lots of wheat. It’s the area called Drunken Gorge, and you can find it south of Mondstadt and just west of Springvale. Consult the map below to see exactly where to go. Anyways, Drunken Gorge used to be a shopping avenue, or something to that effect. Now, however, it’s teeming with monsters, so approach carefully. Loot all the carts, barrels and crates you find, and you’ll have wheat coming out of your ears in no time.

Alternatively, you can head straight into Mondstadt and buy wheat in Genshin Impact. I mean, you get the quest from Timmie, who is standing on the bridge leading into town. So, just go straight up the stairs towards the octagonal fountain, and head right. There, you’ll find Mondstadt General Goods, and talk to Blanche the Shopkeeper. You can buy wheat from her for 100 gold a pop. Simple.

Either way you get it, once you have the wheat, head back to the bridge and talk to Timmie. He’ll tell you to feed it to the ducks, and the game will mark where you need to go. In other words, you’re good to go on your own from here. And there you have it, that’s where you find wheat in Genshin Impact. If you need further help with it, check out some of our other guides, like Anemoculus Locations Map, Change Party – How to Equip New Characters, and Tri Seal – Explore and Unlock.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.