Ghost of Tsushima Sly Cooper Armor Location | Cooper Clan Cosplayer | Dress Up as a Legendary Thief

Sly Cooper Armor in Ghost of Tsushima is what you need to get in order to obtain the Cooper Clan Cosplayer trophy. As the name implies, the Cooper Clan Cosplayer trophy in Ghost of Tsushima is an Easter egg based on Sly Cooper. However, the hitch here is figuring out where to find the Legendary Thief Armor. As it turns out, it’s not as easy as it seems. We’re going to show you what you have to do in our Ghost of Tsushima Sly Cooper Armor Location – Cooper Clan Cosplayer guide.

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Ghost of Tsushima Legendary Thief Armor Location Cooper Clan Cosplayer
Ghost of Tsushima Legendary Thief Armor Location | Cooper Clan Cosplayer

How to Get Sly Cooper Clan Cosplayer Trophy in Ghost of Tsushima – Legendary Thief Armor

To get the Sly Cooper Clan Cosplayer trophy in Ghost of Tsushima, you have to put together the Legendary Thief armor. The game makes it sound like the Legendary Thief armor is a single piece of gear that you find, but that’s not right at all. Instead, you have to gather several different pieces of gear and put them on at the same time. You even have to get a specific dye. So, let’s give you a list of what you need.

  1. Gosaku’s Armor – In the third region, Kamiagata, find and complete the Mythic Tale side quest called The Unbreakable Gosaku.
  2. Sly Tanuki Sword Kit – Found in Kamiagata, at the Pillar of Honor in the Kin area. Head to the peninsula east of Iwai village, to the north of the local lighthouse.
  3. Crooked Kama Headband – You find this item at the top of the roof of Jogaku Temple in Kamiagata.
  4. Thief’s Wrap Mask – This item comes from the gift altar. Proceed through the game and check the altar every now and again, you’ll get it eventually.
  5. Ocean’s Guardian Dye – There’s a number of merchants scattered around the map that sell dyes, like, say, in Umugi Cove.

Once you have all the elements you need, head into the gear menu. Apply the dye to all the gear you can, and then put all the stuff on. As soon as you do, the Sly Cooper Clan Cosplayer trophy is going to pop up. If you haven’t pieced it together already, this is a reference to Sly Cooper, a hit series that the developers of Tsushima, Sucker Punch, created in the early 2000s.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.