Granblue Fantasy Relink Crossplay & Cross-platform on PC & PS5
Does Granblue Fantasy Relink have cross-platform support between PC and PS5? Ten years after the original, JRPG fans can finally return to the world of the Sky Realm on a brand new adventure with a roster of both new and familiar characters. Being a co-op game, Granblue Fantasy Relink is best experienced with friends. In this article, we answer everything you need to know about Granblue Fantasy Relink crossplay support.

Does Granblue Fantasy Relink Has Crossplay and Cross-platform on PC, PS5 and PS4?
If your friend owns a gaming PC while you game on your PS5, you probably wonder if you can play Granblue Fantasy Relink together. And we’re sorry to disappoint you, but the answer is no – there is no cross-platform support for Granblue Fantasy Relink. If you want to play co-op and you are playing on Steam, you will only be able to team up with other players on PC. And vice versa. Hence, this is crucial information to know if you are considering doing a playthrough with your friends. It is unfortunate, but that’s how it is. At the moment, the developers don’t provide any information regarding the possibility of adding the crossplay feature at some point.
However, while Granblue Fantasy Relink doesn’t feature crossplay between PlayStation and Steam, there is still some good news. Namely, the game has cross-gen support. That means that players will be able to play co-op together between the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game. The developers confirmed that cross-platform between PS4 and PS5 is available on day one. So, if your friend still hasn’t upgraded to the PS5, you can still play Granblue Fantasy Relink together, even if they own the PS4. And that’s about all you need to know about this topic. With that said, our “Granblue Fantasy Relink Crossplay & Cross-platform on PC & PS5” guide is completed.