How to Roll in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition
Players that are new to the game want to know how to roll in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition. Understandable, because it doesn’t exactly work like it does in most modern games. By that, I mean it’s not a one-button thing; rather, you have to go through several steps before you can roll. We’ll explain the whole “process” in this guide.

GTA San Andreas How to Roll in Definitive Edition
To roll in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition, the first thing you have to do is crouch. You do this by pressing L3 on consoles (aka press the left stick) and pressing C on PC. Then, you have have a weapon out, and you need to be aiming. You don’t have to have a particular target to aim at, it’s just important to be in aiming mode. You do this by holding R2/RT on consoles and the right mouse button on PC. Lastly, if you’re on console, you need to flick the left stick left or right to roll in that direction. On PC, it should be A and D for left and right by default.
Now, some of you are not here to know how to roll as CJ, but how to roll a plane that you just stole. Well, that is even simpler. You roll the plane by either moving the left analog stick left or right on consoles, or by holding A and D on PC, if you’re using a keyboard. And that’s how to roll in GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition. It’s simple, really, but if you’ve never played it before, you’re not gonna now about all the steps you need to take in order to execute the move. if you need further help with the game, check out some of our other San Andreas Definitive Edition guides. For example, we’ve got articles like Knife & Baseball Bat Locations, Where to Find Minigun Locations, and How To Get Jetpack.