Tell Gabe About Your Past or Your Powers - Life is Strange: True Colors Choices

Every Life is Strange game is full of choices and True Colors is no different, with one of the major decisions you will need to make is whether to tell Gabe about your past, or about your powers. Unlike some other choices that you will be presented with in which you can choose not to play along, such as whether or not to play the Jukebox Game, this is one of those situations where you will have to make a choice, for better or worse. To make sure that you are making the right one for you, our Tell Gabe About Your Past or Your Powers – Life is Strange: True Colors Choices guide will detail both of these choices, so that you know which one to pick.

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Tell Gabe About Your Past or Your Powers - Life is Strange True Colors Choices

Tell Gabe About Your Powers or Your Past Life is Strange: True Colors Choice

In the first chapter of Life is Strange: True Colors, Mac will assault Gabe. Your empathic powers will flare up, and you will channel Mac’s anger and attack him and Gabe when he tries to get you off Mac. Naturally, Gabe will want to know what is going on with you after that. Here, you will be presented with two choices. You can either “Tell him about your past“, or “Tell him about your power“. Let’s tackle what happens if you tell him about your past first.

If you choose to tell Gabe about your past, you will talk about how growing up in the foster care system was hard for you. Alex moved from foster home to foster home when she was a child, and she witnessed many disturbing things and experienced several traumatic events. To comfort her, Gabe will offer her his Matchbook. Inside, there is a single match and a message that you should never give up.

On the other hand, if you choose to tell Gabe about your powers, he will take it surprisingly well. In fact, he will try to convince Alex to look at her ability more like superpowers, or at least a gift. His opinion is that, like many other things in life, it’s how you use something that matters. In this route, he won’t give Alex his matchbook.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.