Avengers Challenge Card Not Working - Challenge Points Not Showing Up

Hero challenge cards are a feature in Marvel’s Avengers. They are actually tracks filled with rewards that unlock as you progress through the tiers. You do this by collecting challenge card points. You can do this by completing daily and weekly challenges with the character in question. However, a number of people have been reporting their Avengers challenge cards not working, with no challenge points showing up.

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avengers hero challenge card not working
Avengers Challenge Card Not Working – Challenge Points Not Showing Up

Avengers hero challenge cards not working

It’s a nasty thing, spending hours working on your daily and weekly challenges, some of which are no joke, and getting no challenge points in return. It is obviousl that it’s a bug. If you want to avoid it, your only option at this point would be to avoid doing the challenges altogether. Just skip them until the developers can figure out what’s wrong and fix it.

Althoug some challenges can be really tiresome, like the one which has you opening DNA strongboxes, most of them are all about teaching you how to use your powers. They’ll task you with hitting weak spots, buidling combos starting with a sprint attack, defeat enemies while airborne, or use grabbing attacks.

So they’re not only about rewarding you for completing simple tasks, they’re also there to get you out of your comfort zone and learn more about how the heroes work and how best to use their skills and abilities in combat. If that sweet, sweet knowledge is what you’re after, you can still keep doing the challenges – you just won’t earn any challenge card points while doing so.

If you’re after the extrinsic rewards that come from rising through the ranks of a hero challenge card, your best bet would be to wait for a patch. It shouldn’t be long.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.