Felyne Fur Ruby MH Rise

Monster Hunter Rise Felyne Fur Ruby is a crafting ingredient that you need in order to craft and upgrade certain weapons. The problem is figuring out how to get these gems. They can drop from certain animals, sure, but it’s exceedingly rare. You can also farm them from specific locations, but only under certain conditions. It’s all a bit confusing. So, to help you out, here’s our Felyne Fur Ruby MH Rise guide.

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felyne fur ruby mh rise
Felyne Fur Ruby MH Rise

Where to Find Felyne Fur Ruby in Monster Hunter Rise

To find Monster Hunter Rise Felyne Fur Ruby, you have to rifle through junk piles, which appear in different locations on various maps. Only on high-ranking expeditions and quests, though. In Shrine Ruins, climb up the vine wall northwest of the number 3 to find it.

where to find monster hunter rise felyne fur ruby
Shrine Ruins junk pile

The second location you can look for MH Rise Felyne Fur Ruby in is in Frost Islands. You need to climb up the large, jutting rock north of number 5. The pile is next to a tree sticking out of the rocks, near a cat snowman.

monster hunter rise felyne fur ruby locations
Frost Islands junk pile

The third junk pile you should check out is in Sandy Plains. You’ll find it in the underground cave system, north of number 5. Drop into the caves wherever is the most convenient for you, just mind the fall damage.

mh rise how to get felyn fur ruby
Sandy Plains junk pile

Next up, the MH Rise Felyne Fur Ruby in Flooded Forest. Head to the rock formation north of number seven, which is basically the northernmost point of the entire map. The junk pile is a little difficult to spot in the grass, but trust us, it’s there, in front of the large stone idol.

flooded forest junk pile location monster hunter rise
Flooded Forest junk pile

For our fifth and final junk pile and Felyne Fur Ruby is in Lava Caverns. Head to the number 1 spot on the map, then climb up the vine wall immediately to the north. Go up the long staircase on the left, then straight for the stone structure on the far side. Keep your eyes on the right to spot the pile.

lava caverns monster hunter rise felyne ruby
Lava Caverns junk pile

One more thing we have to mention about this ruby – you can also get it by pummeling wild Melynxes and Felynes. However, it’s a relatively rare drop. You’ll have to resort to the junk piles if you wanna farm the rubies at a decent rate.

Monster Hunter Rise Weapons that Use Felyne Fur Ruby

There are several weapons that use the Felyne Fur Ruby in MH Rise. Some of them require the item in order for you to craft them, while others need the ruby for upgrading. Here’s the list of them; if we’ve missed any, let us know in the comments.

  • Weapons crafted with Fur Ruby
    • Cat’s Soul I
    • Grim Cat I
    • Felyne Claws I
  • Weapons upgraded with Fur Ruby
    • Felyne Cannon
    • Felyne Trickbow
    • Catburglar
    • Flyne Fancy

That’s all we know about Felyne Fur Ruby in Monster Hunter Rise. If you need further help with finding ingredients and items, check out some of our other guides on the subject. We’ve written guides on Gracium, Quality Wyvern Egg, and Massive Bones, among many others.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.