Outriders Demo Release Date & Time

Outriders is going to have a demo that shows off the early hours of the game. It’s going to be released more than a month ahead of the game’s release, and it’s going to stay up even after launch. It’s a great way to try out the game before spending any money on it. If you’re wondering when and where it’s going to appear, this guide will show you detailed Outrider demo release date & time across various territories.

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outriders demo release date time
Outriders Demo Release Date & Time

Outriders Full game release date & Time

The Outriders launch date and time will depend somewhat on your location and your platform of choice. On consoles (PlayStation and Xbox), Outriders is coming out on April 1st at midnight in your country. On PC and Stadia, the release date and time for Outriders is unified. By that, I mean that the game is gonna come out simultaneously the world over on April 1st. The launch time is 9 AM PDT / 5 PM BST / 12 PM EDT / 6 PM CEST. More details can be found in our latest article – Outriders Release Date & Time.

Outriders demo launch date & time

As you can see in the image above, the demo will go live at the same time across different regions. This means some will be getting it early in the morning, others late at night. Here’s a table with the specific release times in various time zones:

TimezoneRelease date & time
PSTFeb 25th, 9AM
ESTFeb 25th, 12PM
BRTFeb 25th, 2PM
GMTFeb 25th, 5PM
CETFeb 25th, 6PM
MSKFeb 25th, 8PM
GSTFeb 25th, 9PM
JSTFeb 26th, 2AM
AEDTFeb 26th, 4AM

The demo is going to be available on Playstations, Xboxes and PC. The latter will have it on Steam and Geforce Now. Progress between the demo and main game will transfer only within the same family – Playstation to Playstation and such, with the exception of Steam and EGS on PC.

Outriders demo contents

The demo will weigh around 24GB, and there won’t be any preload. It’ll have cross play, and the game’s Discord channel has a lot of LFG channels to help you find potential crewmates.

You can play it as long as you like, but it will include only the game’s prologue and opening chapter. It stops at the showdown with Gauss, which is the first boss from what I can tell. All four classes will be available, and the level will be capped at seven. This means you’ll unlock the fourth class ability and be able to buy two skills. World tier will be capped at five, and since the save can transfer over, resources will be capped as well.

Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.