4 Yorha DLC - How to Change Costume in Nier Replicant

Nier Replicant 4 Yorha DLC comes with Nier Automata-themed costumes that your characters can wear. It’s a fun little addition for those of you that are fans of Automata and want to add a little bit of that flavor to Replicant. However, some players are having trouble figuring out where to find the 4 Yorha DLC costumes, and how to put them on, as it were. Well, that’s what we’ll be covering in our 4 Yorha DLC – How to Change Costume in Nier Replicant guide.

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4 yorha dlc how to change costume in nier replicant
4 Yorha DLC – How to Change Costume in Nier Replicant

How to Change Nier Replicant Costume to 4 Yorha DLC?

To change your costume in Nier Replicant to one of the 4 Yorha DLC outfits, the first part is, of course, to download and install the DLC pack. Then, start the game up, and it should tell you that new weapons and costumes have been added. The next step is to go straight into the Options in the main menu, before loading into a new game. If you do that, you might have to exit the game and turn it off completely, then start it again.

Once in the Options menu, scroll down and click Wardrobe. From there, you can change the appearance of your character, both Adult and Boy, as well as Kaine. You can also mess with the look of the orbs, but that’s a different matter. The clothes I know you care about come in Yorha Type A and Yorha Type S. If you want to get more racy with Kaine’s looks, you wanna go for the Yorha Type A for her. Yes, I will be judging you, and harshly so, but you do you. Whatever floats your boat and all that.

So, that’s how you change your costume in Nier Replicant to the 4 Yorha DLC outfits. If you have any further questions about the game, you can check out some of our other guides on the subject. Among others, we’ve got Rainbow Trout Fishing Location & Bait, Place Blue & Red Books for Book Smarts Quest, and Talk to Popola or Check on Yonah, among others. There’s more in the pipeline, so stay tuned.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.