How to Get Lover of Letters Trophy in Nioh 2

Nioh 2 Lover of Letters is a trophy that you can unlock in the game by putting a Hanging Scroll Text in your Hut. That’s pretty straightforward on the surface; in reality, not so much. In order to get a Hanging Scroll Text in Nioh 2 and the Lover of Letters achievement, there’s a number of hoops you have to jump through. So, in our How to Get Lover of Letters Trophy in Nioh 2 guide, we’re gonna show you exactly what you have to do in order to unlock it.

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How to Get Lover of Letters Trophy in Nioh 2
How to Get Lover of Letters Trophy in Nioh 2

Nioh 2 Lover of Letters Achievement – How to Obtain Hanging Scroll Text?

To get the Lover of Letters trophy / achievement, the first step is to unlock the Hidden Teahouse. There’s nothing special you have to do for that, other than progress far enough through the game’s story. Nioh 2 will let you know when you gain access to the Teahouse. To enter it, go to the world map, then select the Starting Point. Simply pick Hidden Teahouse from the menu, and you’re in.

Now that we’ve finally arrived to the Teahouse, there’s still the matter of getting the Lover of Letters trophy. Well, once in the Teahouse, select Trade, and hit L1. Purchase one of the Hanging Scroll Text, which cost 1,000 Glory each (for more info on how Glory works, check out our How to Get Glory in Nioh 2 guide). With a Hanging Scroll Text in your possession, go into your Hut via the Starting Point, and then select Remodel Hut, then Hanging Scrolls. Place the one you bought in your Hut, and the Lover of Letters trophy is yours.

And, that’s basically all that you need to know about this Nioh 2 achievement and how to get it. If you need further help with the game, we’ve got a whole bunch of Nioh 2 guides that you might find useful if you get stuck. Among other articles, we’ve got Mujina Locations – How to Get Mujina Soul Core, Brute, Phantom, Feral Burst Counter, and Locks of Hair Locations – Samurai, Ninja, Onmyo Mage.

Nioh 2 doesn't pull any punches, so you might get stuck before you've even begun playing. We've written a guide to help you choose your starting weapon and guardian spirit, and another that shows how to reset skills if you invest in the wrong ones. Once you've dug in, you'll probably want to know how to unlock onmyo magic & ninja proficiency skills, or how to change and use Yokai Shift forms. Getting more skill points is always a priority, which is why we've written about locks of hair locations. If you're hunting rare soul cores, you'll probably want to know about the Mujina locations - finding them is tricky.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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