Prey Talos Smuggling Ring Side Quest - Black Market Achievement
Talos Smuggling Ring is a side quest in Prey. It involves finding six smuggler’s dead drops aboard the station. They’re not hard to find once you know what you look for, but they’re easy to miss in the heat of the moment. You can start this objective by listening to a TranScribe recording found by the body of Lilly Morris in the Arboretum. In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find all smuggler’s dead drops, so you can finish Prey Talos Smuggling Ring side quest and unlock the Black Market trophy.

Smuggler’s dead drop locations
The dead drops are hidden behind fire alarms. When you see a fire alarm with the red light above it, hit it three times to reveal the safe. The first one is right above Lilly Morris’ body, so that leaves you with five more to find. In case you haven’t discovered them already, you’ll have to backtrack a little.
Two of them are hidden in the Main Lobby. The first one is in the TranStar Exhibit, on the northern wall. You’ll have to beat a Phantom to open it, but there are some explosive canisters in the room to help you with that. The other one can be found in a corridor behind Employee Orientation, in the eastern side of the lobby, near the restrooms.
There’s one in the Hardware Labs, on the second floor. It’s on the wall by the walkway in the atrium, right next to the golden statue. It’s a bit high up, so you’ll probably have to jump – swing your wrench before you jump, so that the hit lands right when you reach the high point.
I did this on 2 different playthroughs and didnt get the achievement either time
Also the selfincriminating achievement for completing mikhailas father didnt load for me either
So, all in all, they are:
1 in arboretum: just above the body of Lily Morris.
1 in crew quarter: in the fitness center.
2 in the lobby: one in the exhibit room, another in east corridor, as shown above.
1 in hardware lab: large room second floor, beside the statue, as shown above.
1 in cargo bay: after you get out of deep storage lockdown and into cargo bay with Sarah and other survivors, go to survivor camp second floor, the one beside Dr. Igwe.
if you dont know which one, remember, try the lower hanging ones.
Another one is in the fitness center, easy to find.
There is one just above the corpse of Lily Morris (the smuggling cahoot), in Arboretum, in the corridor of the main elevator to Talos I lobby.
I don’t know if you’ve found it yet, but there’s a fourth one in the room right after you jump up to the catwalk after entering the cargo bay through the cargo pod in the story.