Bolt Cutters Location in Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil 3 remake bolt cutters are an essential item in the game that you need in order to get into certain buildings, like the Downtown supermarket. The problem is that the bolt cutters in RE3 are hidden away in a remote corner that you might not think of looking in. And yes, the developers have moved the bolt cutter location from where it was in the Resident Evil 3 demo, causing additional confusion. With all that said, in our Bolt Cutters Location in Resident Evil 3 Remake guide, we’re going to show you exactly where to find them.

Where to Find Resident Evil 3 Remake Bolt Cutters?
To find the Bolt Cutters in the Resident Evil 3 Remake, find your way to the Toy Uncle store in Downtown. It’s up the stairs from the Moon’s Donuts shop. Looking at the toy store, head to the left, and you’ll find a chain link gate that you can open. Go to the end of the alley and through the door with the Repair sign with the mascot. As soon as you open the door, you’ll spot the bolt cutters on the far wall. In that room, you’ll also find a typewriter, a storage container, and a locker you can open with the lockpick.
The reason the bolt cutters are causing trouble in the RE3 remake, as stated above, is that the game’s demo lets you pick up a pair of bolt cutters. So, naturally, players have been going en masse to the same location expecting to find them there. The catch is that, in the full game, they’re not in the same place. So, if this whole situation has been giving you a headache, now you know where you need to go.
Interestingly enough, the bolt cutters are tied to the two locations we’ve mentioned, Moon’s Donuts and Toy Uncle. In these two places, you can find two of the three Jewels for the Clock Tower monument puzzle. You need the bolt cutters to break into the supermarket, where the third Jewel is. You can read all about the Clock Tower monument puzzle in our Green, Red, Blue Jewel Locations – Clock Tower Monument Puzzle in RE3 guide.