Tag Archives: Hunt Showdown guides

Hunt Showdown Tide of Corruption Console Release Date and Time
The Tide of Corruption is a brand-new Hunt: Showdown event that has recently went live. Well, at least on the PC. As for console players,…

How to Find Rotjaw Hunt Showdown
The Tide of Shadows event is now live in Hunt: Showdown. As part of this event (which lasts from June 28th until August 23rd, 2023),…

Hunt Showdown No Rain Effect, Rain Not Showing Glitch
Following the latest Hunt Showdown update, many players report hearing the heavy rain but not seeing it. In addition, for some players, the rain is…

Hunt Showdown Death Cheat Not Removed When Character Dies
If Hunt Showdown Death Cheat isn’t being removed on the death of a Hunter after the Tide Of Shadows update, you are one of many…

Hunt Showdown Spawned with Enemies Bug
Tide of Shadows is one of the biggest Hunt Showdown updates we’ve seen in recent years, resulting in a record-breaking number of peak players on…