The Last of Us 2 'On Foot' collectibles - Safe, Artifact, Coin, Workbench locations guide

On Foot is a subchapter of Seattle Day 1 in The Last of Us II. In it, you play as Abby, so you’ll get to collect coins alongside the usual artifacts, workbenches and safes. There aren’t that many of them, but some are pretty well hidden. If you want to make sure you don’t miss any on your trek, keep reading our TLOU2 On Foot collectible locations – Seattle Day 1 guide.

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On Foot Collectibles Safe Artifact Coin Workbench Locations Guide
On Foot collectibles – Safe, Artifact, Coin, Workbench locations

The Kentucky 1792 Coin Location

On Foot starts when you enter a warehouse, after being pushed out of the safety of a car. After you enter, head right. The Kentucky 1792 coin will be there, on a table in the corner.

TLOU2 On Foot Coin Location

Massachusetts 1788 coin

Once the three of you leave the storage and go to the green house, continue straight forward. The Massachusetts 1788 coin will be on a desk, next to what seems like a card reading device.

On Foot TLOU2 Coin Location
Massachusetts 1788 Coin Location

Workbench Location

At one point, you’ll get on top of the boat repair building, then inside in through a roof entrance, with the help of a rope. As you leave the first room, you’ll spot a blue metal staircase. You can find the workbench and the pipe bomb recipe in a darker area next to it.

TLOU2 On Foot Workbench Location
Workbench Location

The Ohio 1803 Coin

Following the path above the workbench, you’ll get to the upper floor, where you are supposed to lower a ladder to the boat. Before you do that, pick it up, and place it against the wall. You won’t see it at first, but there’s a small platform there, with a table and some blue barrels. The Ohio 1803 coin will be on that table, along with some supplements.

TLOU2 On Foot Boat House Coin Location

Do yourself a favor and check out the boat as well. The training manual that unlocks Upgrade Branch: Covert Ops is hidden inside.

WLF Gun Cache Note Artifact

As you leave the boat house you’ll meet with Manny again. Close to him is a trailer house with a locked door. To get inside, go around the trailer and break the middle window. This will allow you get the Indiana coin 1816 coin, the WLF Gun Cache Note artifact and other things.

TLOU2 On Foot Seattle Day 1 Artefact Coin Location
WLF Gun Cache Note Artefact Location

Safe Location

Next to the trailer is the MS Corporation Soft Drink distribution center. The door of the building is locked, and you have to go around, through a metal fence. As you pass through, look to your right and you’ll see a hole in the wall by the wooden pallets. Go through it and you’ll end up behind the locked door, near a safe. The combination is written on the notice board in the trailer house behind, and it’s marked with a red pen. Inside the safe, among other things, you’ll find a Hunting Pistol.

TLOU2 On Foot Safe Location
Safe Location

The chapter ends after you visit a rail yard, and an event takes place at a gas station.

Previous Chapter
Seattle Day 1: The Stadium
Next Chapter
Seattle Day 1: The Forward Base

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Lokesh still remembers Purra, the cat from Aion, and how finding her and helping other players by spreading the information made him feel proud. Presenting precise and clear guidelines that readers can easily comprehend is the goal he strives for. That being the case, please excuse the numerous lists and tables in his articles.