From A Land Far, Far Away


From a Land Far, Far Away a secondary quest on Skellige Isles that will have you traversing vast distances to uncover the wrecks of old ships and save a woman and child on the run.

Key Facts

Category:Side Quest

Quest Text

Geralt ran into a suspicious gentleman who was looking for a woman who spoke in a strange, unknown tongue.
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He claimed they came from some far-off land far beyond the sea. She had kidnapped a child, and he had been tasked with finding and punishing her.

On a small isle in Skellige Geralt found a diary written by refugees from a far-off land. Their ship had wrecked and the fate of its passengers was unknown. Geralt hoped at least some had survived and he would one day have the chance to return this diary to them.

Additional Info

East of Redgill there is a small island that the locals call Hemdall’s Finger. Sail to it, then disembark on the southeastern side. There will be a body nearby, lying on close to the wreckage of a small boat.

Use your Witcher Senses to study the crest on the side of the boat. Pick up a journal to the victim’s left side and read it. It mentions several things: a delivery to Ursten, a woman named Viki, and some treasure aboard a vessel.


Following contains quest spoilers. You’ve been warned

Find the sunken chest mentioned in the journal.

Go to the edge of the water and look for a ship’s mast that is sticking out of the water. When you find it, dive into the water and down to the ship’s wreckage where you’ll find the chest. In it you’ll find a letter and the captain’s log.

The log mentions a second vessel, bound for Ursten in northern Velen.

Uncover what became of the second ship.

Sail back to the mainland and head for Ursten – it is northwest of the Border Post. There is a soldier on the main road, close to one of the cottages. He will ask you if you’ve seen a woman and a “plaetyn”, who have apparently escaped justice. Pick whichever answer you prefer.

Head to the objective area in the direction of the mouth of the Pontar river. Descend to the shoreline.

Near the objective area you’ll find the ruins of the second ship, next to which you’ll find the footprints of a mother and a child. Follow them using your Witcher Senses.

Talk to the foreign woman.

Go up the river bank to a wooden watchtower; you’ll see a woman who shouts at you in some unknown tongue and then runs away. Follow her down to the river, to the entrance to a cave called the Widow’s Grotto.

When you enter the cave, you will be followed by the soldier you’ve previously encountered. He’ll tell you that he plans to take the child back and kill the woman, whose name turns out to be Viki. You now have to make a choice.
Choice 1

Refuse to let him take the woman.

The soldier will then fight you, but will be no match for your skills. After you kill him, the woman will offer you a medallion which you can accept or refuse. This will conclude the quest.
Choice 2

Walk away.

The quest is now over.
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