How to Download Animal Crossing Summer Update

Animal Crossing has recently been enriched with a summer update. It’s a free addition to the game, one that adds a new NPC, the ability to swim and dive, and a bunch of thematic, new items. It’s going to add hours of fun to an already busy game, which is great. However, some players are confused about installing the update, which is why we’ve decided to write a guide on how to download Animal Crossing summer update.

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how to download animal crossing summer update
How to Download Animal Crossing Summer Update

How to update Animal Crossing New Horizons?

The first thing you need to do is connect your console to the internet. Then you just have to launch the game from the home menu and it will update itself automatically before it starts. The version displayed on the title screen should be 1.3. If it isn’t, try restarting the console and launching the game again. The new things will appear in the game, and you’ll be notified of them accordingly.

Those new things include Pascal, a red otter NPC who loves to swim and has a thing for scallops. If you give him scallops, he’ll reward you with DIY recipes that allow you to craft mermaid furniture. You can collect scallops the same way you do other sea creatures – by swimming and diving. You’ll need a wetsuit first, which you can buy from several places. There are also pirate-themed items you can get from your old pal Gulliver, who is now a pirate.

As you can see, there’s a lot to unpack here. It’s a hefty update that will add hours upon hours of playtime for regular players, and it’s not even the only one we’ll get this season. The developers have announced another summer update, which is supposed to launch in August. There’s no word on what to expect from it, but if it’s as big as this one, you won’t hear anyone complaining.