AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor Gear Wealth Armor Underwater

Besuncen Tor in AC Valhalla is a location that houses several pieces of wealth, including a carbon ingot and armor gear. Both of these require you to go underwater, and it’s incredibly hard to tell how to reach them. Sure, the game gives you the ingot and armor wealth icons in Besuncen Tor, but managing to figure out how to get there can be a headache. Luckily for you, that’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in our AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor Gear Wealth Armor Underwater guide.

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ac valhalla besuncen tor gear wealth armor underwater
AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor Gear Wealth Armor Underwater

How to Get Besuncen Tor Underwater Armor Wealth AC Valhalla?

To get the Besuncen Tor underwater armor in AC Valhalla, go behind the big waterfall to the west of the sunken tower. As soon as you enter the cave, you’ll see a small pool of water. Dive right in and go to the bottom. Turn to the northeast, and you’ll see the underwater tunnel that you need to follow. When you hit the dead end, swim up, and you’ll find yourself in an enormous cavern. You can’t miss the big treasure chest that lies within, because there’s a beam of sunshine lighting it up. Inside, we found Huntsman Vambraces, which is a pair of superior bracers.

Where to Find Underwater Wealth in AC Valhalla Besuncen Tor?

To find the underwater wealth in Besuncen Tor in AC Valhalla, swim and wade your way into the tower itself. Dive into the water. There’s a square hole more or less precisely in the middle of the tower, so that’s where you need to go. When you reach the floor, look to the northwest, and you’ll see a large, wooden barrier. Break it apart enough to squeeze through, and there’s the chest, just behind the two statues and to the left. If you proceed through the rest of the tunnel, you’ll also find other lootable stuff. However, the actual wealth, aka the carbon ingot, is in the chest.

If you need help with anything else in the game, we've got a metric ton of other guides for you to check out. For example, we've written AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Armor Set Locations - Ratae Bureau Armor & Londinium Bureau Key for quest A Brief History of The Hidden Ones, that will reward you with the Hidden Ones armor. We can also help with whether you want to let Rued Live or Die - Kill or Spare Rued Choice Consequences, or who to give silver to in AC Valhalla War Weary quest , and a well hidden AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden's Missive Rygjafylke World Event. Puzzle that caused us big problems was Unseal The Well during the quest Well Traveled. And, yes, we do have many more coming, stay tuned.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.