DMZ Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop Location

With the release of the new season in CoD Warzone 2, the dead drop location in Al Sharim Pass has been changed to somewhere else. As you no doubt know, the old location where you could have found the dead drop in this location was in a dumpster behind a yellow house in the Al-Sharim Junkyard. However, as more and more players are finding out, that is no longer the case. So where is the new DMZ Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop Location now? Read on to find out!

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DMZ Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop Location
DMZ Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop Location

Where to Find Al Sharim Dead Drop in DMZ

The June 16th update to the game has added a lot of new content. Some of the highlights of this DMZ Season 4 update include the new White Lotus mission Night Operation, which requires that you take 2 IR Beacons from the Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop.

to help you do that, we have marked the exact location where you can find the Al Sharim Pass Dead Drop in our screenshot gallery below. Though, a word of warning – you are likely to face some heavy enemy AI opposition there. As such, you should take care when heading there. Overall, we’d say that the enemy AI feels a lot more aggressive and much more dangerous as of this new season. Whether this is intentional or not, we’ll see. But it will most likely get nerfed, or at least toned down in the near future. To make it more accessible and easier to find, we have included three different levels of magnification. In any case, here’s where you will now be able to find the dead drop spot in this location:

And there you have it, head to this spot to get this dead drop. If you have any other CoD: Warzone 2-related questions and issues regarding this new season, we invite you to check out our CoD Warzone 2 archive. In particular, we’d like to recommend the following guides: Weapon Case on Ashika Island, Waterways Dead Drop, Smuggling Tunnels Location, Ashika Beach Club Dead Drop, Zaya Observatory Dead Drop, Sattiq Cave Dead Drop, and Lost Room 403 Key Location.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.