Elden Ring Redmane Painting Location and Solution

Paintings are a new type of puzzle introduced in Elden Ring. Unlike most other head-scratchers in the game, paintings are divided into two sections. First, you need to find the painting itself. Then, you need to figure out where the location that is pained on it is and go there. And, if you go to the right place afterwards, you will be able to claim a reward there. The Redmane Painting is one such puzzle, and it’s definitely worth solving, especially if you are playing a DEX Bow wielder. Our Elden Ring Redmane Painting Location and Solution guide will show you exactly where you need to go in order to solve it.

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Elden Ring Redmane Painting Location and Solution

Elden Ring Redmane Painting Location & Solution

Even though the painting is called the Redmane Painting, you won’t find it in Redmane Castle. Instead, you need to look for it in Sellia, Town of Sorcery. It is hidden in a rubble pile there. Once you find it, approach it and read the message. Now that you have discovered the painting, you have to find out where the landscape that is painted on it is. You’re looking for a spot near a Minor Erdtree north of Fort Faroth. Incidentally, this is near the place where you can easily farm over 90k Runes from a Dragon there.

Once you reach the ledge there, you will have to be very careful about how to get down. You need to find just the right spot from where to jump down to the branch there without getting killed by the fall. Jump from branch to branch and onto the stone platform. When you get close to the ground, summon Torrent and use the double jump to safely make it down. You will briefly see the phantom painter sitting in a chair. Once he’s gone, you are now free to pick up your prize – the Ash of War: Rain of Arrows. A huge thank you to YouTube user Taysteless, whose excellent video we used to get the screenshots for this guide.

Very early in your exploration of Elden Ring world you will find out that you need to prepare your character for different tasks. You'll need to learn how to use Ashes of War, how to two-hand weapons, or use magic spells during the course of your adventures. Many secrets are also waiting for you, such as, a hostile NPC Sellen that doesn't let you see her shop, an invisible man in a bush, or a huge turtle with a bell that lets you duplicate some very important items.

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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.