FFXV Sturdy Helixhorn Locations - Final Fantasy 15 A Better Engine Blade

Sturdy Helixhorn is an item you can find in Final Fantasy XV. They are horns, and they seem like unnecessary junk, only there to be sold off.
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However, they most certainly are not. You absolutely need to have this item in order to complete the A Better Engine Blade III quest. When you get this item, you can take it to Cid in Hammerhead Garage and he will upgrade your Engine Blade III. Final Fantasy XV Sturdy Helixhorn locations guide shows where to find Sturdy Helix horn, so you can complete A Better Engine Blade III quest.

FF 15 Where to find Sturdy Helixhorn

The Sturdy Helixhorn is an item you can find in the game. It drops from a certain kind of enemy, called a Duplicorn, and it’s a very rare drop. Keep your eyes peeled for it. In Cleigne: Old Lestallum outpost go to the Diner and speak with the Tipster. He’ll give you The last Spiracorns hunt quest level 29. You’ll have to defeat 2 Duplicorns and 3 Spiracorns in Lower Wennath. Attack Duplicorn’s horn / head to make him drop Sturdy Helixhorn item. Sturdy Helixhorn is not 100% drop, thus, you’ll have to repeat the hunt quest or reload the save file. Use Sword of the wise to increase the drop rate.

Sturdy Helixhorn is labeled as a treasure item, and many of those seem like nothing more than object to sell for extra gil. However, you really shouldn’t do that. You never know when these items might be of some use. Most of them have the exact use as the Sturdy Helixhorn – Cid can use them to upgrade your weapons. Giving him the helixhorn will complete the Better Engine Blade III quest. When you wrap up this quest, you’ll receive some EXP and an upgraded Engine Blade III. The weapon will then have an even higher damage output.

In order to increase your chances of getting the Sturdy Helixhorn drop, you could try eating the Mother & Child Rice Bowl dish. It will increase the drop rate for a while. You could also equip the Sword of the Wise armiger. The Hardedge greatsword is also a good option, as it increases the break-off chance. You can buy it in Lestallum. Some people report parries increasing the drop chance, but there’s no way for us to verify this. It’s a dice roll, basically, so you’ll just have to keep trying.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.