Fortnite Floating Rings at Coral Castle Locations - Weekly Challenge

Coral Castle Floating Rings in Fortnite are the blue rings that you’ll have to collect to complete the Season 4 Week 5 challenge. All four Floating Rings in Coral Castle are on top of buildings, and they’re very hard to reach. They’re also very hard to spot due to their positions. With that in mind, in our Fortnite Floating Rings at Coral Castle Locations guide, we’ll show you where to find all the Coral Castle Floating Rings, and how to complete the weekly challenge.

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fortnite floating rings at coral castle locations weekly challenge
Fortnite Floating Rings at Coral Castle Locations – Weekly Challenge

Where to Find Coral Castle Floating Rings in Fortnite Week 5 Challenge?

To find the Coral Castle floating rings and complete the Forntite Week 5 challenge, you’ll have to visit four different locations in the area. We’re going to describe their locations starting with the southernmost one, and continue to the north. At the end, you’ll find a map with all four locations marked to make things easier. You know, just for visual assistance.

The first floating ring is on top of the gold-domed structure on the small island in the south of the Coral Castle area. The next one is at the very tip of the large castle in the center of the “region.” You know, the one that the place is named after. Our next goal is the tower on top of the hill northeast of the castle. As you might have imagined, the ring is on top of said tower. From there, head to the northwest. Look for the small, squat building with the gold dome, next to a giant purple coral. It’s the building with two stone ramps on either side.

floating rings coral castle locations fortnite week 5 challenge
Coral Castle Floating Ring Locations (click to enlarge)

And, there you have it, that’s where you find Fortnite Floating Rings in Coral Castle for the Week 5 challenge. The place is probably gonna be crawling with people, so good luck and be careful. If you need help with anything else, check out some of our other guides. We’ve got Wolverine Spawn Location, Make a Stark Robot Dance, and Trask Transport Truck Location.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.