Genshin Impact Incomplete Writing - Geo Statues Puzzle

Incomplete Writing Geo Statues Puzzle in Genshin Impact are two puzzles that you have to solve to complete a side quest in the game. You have to solve the puzzles in order to get the Fragments near Geo Statues in Genshin Impact, which are necessary for finishing the quest. However, the puzzles are pretty obtuse, and one of them is even straight-up kinda misleading. So, to help you solve the puzzles and get the Genshin Impact Fragments near Geo statues, here’s our Genshin Impact Incomplete Writing – Geo Statues Puzzle guide.

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genshin impact incomplete writing geo statues puzzle
Genshin Impact Incomplete Writing – Geo Statues Puzzle

Geo Statues Puzzle Solution Incomplete Writing Genshin Impact

The Geo Statues puzzle solution in the Genshin Impact Chi of Guyun quest is given to you if you interact with the pad in the middle. It mentions the wind-swept ruin, the snow-capped peak, the adepti’s abode, and the city of Liyue. This, however, is pretty obtuse, and not necessarily the order you want to do things in. You can use the image below to see the correct sequence.

The first statue to interact with is the one next to the large pine tree branch. The second one is to the right of the base of the tree, next to the three-pronged crystal. Next, head across the pond to the statue to the left of the lone crystal. Lastly, go two the second statue to the left of the third one. If you’ve done the sequence correctly, a chest will spawn, and this step of the quest is over.

How to Solve Genshin Impact Geo Statues Puzzle – Incomplete Writing

To solve the second Geo Statues Puzzle in the Chi of Guyun Genshin Impact, you have to interact with the statues in the correct order, depending on which cardinal / intercardinal direction they’re in. The clue that you get when you interact with the pad in the middle tells you pretty much exactly what you need to do. The sequence is north, south-east, north-west, north-east, and south-west. Or, in other words, facing north: top, bottom right, upper left, upper right, bottom left. Check out the image below to see what we mean.

Once you complete the sequence correctly, another chest will spawn for you to loot. Continue with the quest normally. If you want the full walkthrough, check out our Genshin Impact The Chi Of Guyun guide. If, on the other hand, if you need help with something else, take a gander at our other guides, including Secret Island – Time And The Wind – Eye of the Storm and Genshin Impact Cecilia Garden.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.