God of War Spinning Rune Door River Pass Puzzle - How to Solve
The spinning rune door in River Pass is a puzzle you solve in God of War. You have to stop the spinning rings to match up the runes. Once you do it properly, the spinning rune door will spell out a word, which is the answer to the sand basin riddle. This can get tricky, so here’s our guide on how to complete spinning rune door puzzle in God of War.

How to Solve Spinning Rune Door in God of War River Pass?
To solve the River Pass spinning rune door puzzle in God of War, you have to align the three spinning rings so that the runes match and form a word. You’ll come across it after you solve the River Pass Spiked Ceiling Puzzle. The first step is to hit Square when the game prompts you, which will be when Atreus approaches the sand basin. When Atreus reads the riddle, turn around to the left and climb the small ledge across from the spinning door. At the top, there is a wheel that you need to turn. This will set the spinning door in motion.
Now that the spinning rune door is turning, it’s time to form the word. The method to solve this is to throw the Leviathan Axe at the gears to freeze them when they show up. First, freeze the cog in the very center. Then, wait until the markings on the middle ring match up to the innermost one. When that happens, quickly call the axe back. you’ll know that you did it properly, because the matched markings will glow. Next, freeze the outermost ring and wait while the markings on the other two match up. Call you axe back once again.
The final result looks like this: ᚲᛁᚾᛊᛚᛟᚦ, as the image below shows. This spells out “kynslóð”, which is Old Norse for “family”. When all the runes are aligned, all of them will glow, and the whole thing will stop spinning. Hit Square when the game prompts you to. This will open your way forward. If you need any more help with God of War, you can check out some of our other guides, such as Idunn Apples Locations, Horn of Blood Mead Locations, and more.

Hi, can you translate the runes with red squares, they are after this door in the entry of the cave. The looks like a puzzle. Can you help me ?
Thank you, Thalles.
Did you get past this puzzle ?