Halo Infinite Bulldog Location
The Halo Infinite Bulldog locations are places where the CQS48 Bulldog shotgun can spawn. Apparently, it doesn’t spawn on all maps; rather, you’re gonna have to look for them in gun lockers / spawn points in very specific maps. We’ll explain all that you need to know in this guide.

Where to Find Bulldog Locations in Halo Infinite
There are a number of places that function as spawn locations for the Halo Infinite CQS48 Bulldog shotgun. By that, I mean there are several maps that the Bulldog can materialize in. Before we get into the specifics, there are two general points that we need to bring up. Firstly, the gun will not always appear in these locations; they are just places where it can appear. Secondly, for those of you that just want more general pointers rather than direct solutions – it seems that the Bulldog has a tendency to spawn in tight spaces and corridors, as well as at base.
Okay, so, now for more specific instructions. The Bulldog shotgun tends to spawn in the following maps: Bazaar, Launch Site, Streets, Live Fire, HighPower, and Fragmentation. For example, we’ve found it in our blue base on the Launch Site map, as you can see from the images below. As for the other Halo Infinite Bulldog locations, well, you can check out the video by Kaiba that we’ve embedded below. Basically, it can appear in pretty much any of the gun lockers dotted across these maps. It might take you a few tries, but you’ll get it eventually.
Good luck on your hunts for the CQS48 Bulldog shotgun. If you need help with something else in Halo Infinite, feel free to check out some of our other guides. Among other articles, we’ve written articles like How Does Shock Chain Work, Weekly Challenges Not Working Fix, and How to Mute Players.