Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations in Lost Ark

If you are looking for Mokoko Seeds in Lost Ark, you are probably looking to exchange them for items. There’s good stuff to be had, but they are also relatively hard and cumbersome to find. Let our Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations Lost Ark guide help you with this particular predicament.

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Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations Lost Ark
Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations Lost Ark

Lost Ark Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations

After arriving to Toxiclaw Cavern, go north. Follow the left side of the corridor and the first Mokoko Seed will be on your left, next to the ancient ribcage that you can see close to a cart. Keep going north and the next two will be on the right side of the cavern, just before the bend. As the passageway goes left, you will find the second Seed at the south part of the bend. It is located next to a rock. The third one is located at the northern part of the bend. Similarly, it can be seen in front of a rock that has a tree with some vines behind it.

Follow the cavern north, but stick to the left side. The fourth Seed is in the niche with a dying fire, next to the paintings on the ground. There is a similar niche a little further down the cavern corridor, also on the left. Again, there are several paintings there and some treasure. The fifth Seed is on the ground, next to the paintings. Continue keeping to the left and you will come across your sixth and final Seed in the Toxiclaw Cavern. Look below the rickety wooden scaffolding and there it is.

Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations Lost Ark
All Toxiclaw Cavern Mokoko Seed Locations (click to zoom in)

To sum up, this helps you cut down on the time spent looking for Mokoko Seed in Lost Ark. Moreover, feel free to check out our guides to finding the Seeds in Loghill and Prideholme.