Breakout Secret Gold Chest Blue Floor Switch Puzzle in Marvel's Avengers

The secret gold chest in Marvel’s Avengers Breakout mission is behind the blue floor switch puzzle that you have to solve. The blue floor puzzle is not too difficult to solve when you know where the switches are. However, it might be causing you some trouble, and you want that secret gold chest. So, in our Breakout Secret Gold Chest Blue Floor Switch Puzzle in Marvel’s Avengers guide, we’re going to show you where the switches are.

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breakout secret gold chest blue floor switch puzzle in marvels avengers
Breakout Secret Gold Chest Blue Floor Switch Puzzle in Marvel’s Avengers

How to Solve Blue Floor Switch Puzzle & Get Secret Gold Chest in Marvel’s Avengers Breakout Mission

To solve the blue floor puzzle in the Marvel’s Avengers Breakout mission and get the secret gold chest, you have to hit the four switches scattered around the room. You can do it in any order, but you do have to be quick, or else the whole thing will reset. To make things easier on yourself, you can hit Up on the D-pad, and the game will show you where all the switches are. Plus, there are four lights on the wall left of the blue floor that basically track your progress with the puzzle.

The first two switches are on the left side of the room (facing the yellow exo-suits), in the upper corners. The other two are on the opposite side, behind some wire screens. It’s all pretty easy; you can use the screenshots below if you need visual assistance. One more important thing: you’ll know you’ve pressed the switch when it turns blue. When all the buttons are green, you’ve succeeded. The blue floor will be gone, so drop down and loot everything in the room, including the secret gold chest.

So, yeah, that’s how you unlock the secret gold chest room in the Breakout mission in Avengers and solve the blue floor switch puzzle. If you need more help, check out some of our other guides for this game. For example, we’ve written Pinnacle Combat – Defeat Enemies Airborne Before Landing, DNA Strongbox Locations – Genetic Treasure Kamala’s Weekly, and Interrogation Anxiety – Can’t Talk to Bruce / Tony Bug Fix.

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Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.