Zoologist Location | MGSV: The Phantom Pain

The Zoologist is a staff member with a special skill in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Having her onboard allows you to develop certain items that help in capturing animals, like the bottle bait.
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In this guide, we’re going to show you where to find the zoologist.

One zoologist can be found during Mission 14: Lingua Franca. Go to Kiziba Camp, in northern Angola. It’s south of Mfinda Oilfields, northwest of Ditati Abandoned Village. She is being held in a prison in the southern part of the camp. Approach from the hill nearby, and wait for the soldiers to interrogate her. When they finish, she’ll be out of the cage, with two guards watching her. Deal with them, then fulton her out.


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  1. A

    abit of an error there “Having him onboard allows you to develop certain items that help in capturing animals, like the bottle bait” might wanna change the him to a her. 😀