Starfield Vendor Locations

To get the most out of Starfield, you are going to need to do a lot of trading in the game. This way, you will be able to buy things such as new weapons, armor, and ship parts, and also sell unwanted loot in your inventory or cargo hold. Of course, in order to be able to do this, you will first need to find a vendor that you can trade with. These come in several variants, so there is a Weapon vendor, Armor vendor, Medical supply vendor, and so on. To help you find these as soon as possible, here are the vendor locations in Starfield.

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Starfield Vendor Locations
Starfield Vendor Locations

Starfield Best Vendors for Weapons, Armor & Ammo

Weapons, Armor & Ammo vendors sell some really cool items to help you fight all the baddies in the game. You are looking for shops that sell military surpluses or are legitimate weapon shops (like Walmart!). You are going to visit planet Jemison as part of the Main Story and when you do, you will want to go to the city of New Atlantis. There you can find the following vendors and shops to buy weapons, armor, and ammo from:

  • UC Surplus at The Well in New Atlantis. To get to The Well, you’ll need to use the elevator to get there. The elevator is typically near the Transit Car in each district of New Atlantis.
  • Centaurian Arsenal in the Residental District in New Atlantis. Note that this place only sells weapons and armor.

If you find yourselves in the Volii Alpha system, make your way to the Volii Alpha planet.

  • Neon Tactical, in the Neon Core in Volii Alpha. Same as The Well over on New Atlantis, you can reach the Neon Core by talking an elevator to it.

Next, the Cheyenne System and its planet Akila. The settlement there is very appropriately named Akila City:

  • Rowland Arms. You can find this shop near the entrance to Akila City, across from the GalBank.

Starfield Medical Supplies Vendors

Medical supplies are some of the most important items in the game, and you will need a lot of them to survive the many dangers of Starfield. Let’s start with New Atlantis first:

  • Reliant Medical, which is located at New Atlantis’ Residential District.
  • The MedBay, at The Well in New Atlantis.

Next, the planet and city Volii Alpha:

  • Reliant Medical, which is in Volii Alpha’s Neon Core.

Trade Authority and Resources Vendors in Starfield

Once again, let’s begin with New Atlantis:

  • Jemison Mercantile sells Resources at the Spaceport District, New Atlantis. Note that you can buy digipicks here, which you’ll need for lockpicking.
  • Trade Authority in New Atlantis’ The Well.

As for the planet Mars in the Sol System and its city of Cydonia:

  • Jane’s Goods, which can be found in the Residential District, Cydonia.
  • Trade Authority in Cydonia’s Central Hub.

Let’s take a look at Resource vendors and Trade Authority on Volii Alpha next:

  • Newill’s Goods, located in the Neon Core, Volii Alpha.
  • Trade Authority near the entrance to Volii Alpha.

The planet Akila and its Akila City has the following:

  • Midtown Minerals, in Akila City.
  • Trade Authority, close to the GalBank there in Akila City.

Finally, possibly the most important Trade Authority in the game can be found on The Den on Chtonia in the Wolf System. This is because this place allows you to easily sell your Contrabands without investing into Cargo Shields.

Starfield Ship Vendor Locations

In addition to these standard shops, there are also Ship Vendors as well. Here, you will be able to find Ship Technicians, and do things such as buy new spaceships, upgrade them, repair your exisiting ships, as well as customize how they look. Let’s see where these ship vendor locations can be found:

  • Alpha Centauri System, Planet Jemison, New Atlantis.
  • Alpha Centauri System, Planet Gagarin, Gagarin Landing.
  • Sol System, Planet Mars, Cydonia.
  • Sol System, Titan Moon of Saturn, New Homestead.
  • Sol System, Deimos Moon of Mars, Deimos Staryard.
  • Valo System, Planet Polvo, Polvo.
  • Narion System, Stroud-Eklund Staryard.
  • Cheyenne System, Planet Akila, Akila City.
  • Volii System, Plant Volii Alpha, Volii.
  • Porrima System, Planet Porrima III, Red Mile.
  • Porrima System, Planet Porrima II, Paradiso.
  • Kryx System, The Key.
  • Ixyll System, Planet Ixyll II, The Eleos Retreat.
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A lifelong gamer, Vladimir was always interested in gaming and what makes games tick. Before long, he found himself writing about games as well as playing them. No stranger to game guides which have often helped him make just the right decision in a particularly difficult quest, he’s very happy to be able to help his fellow gamers and give a little back to his favorite pastime.