Tag Archives: dark souls 3 quest

Ringed City Lapp NPC
Lapp is an NPC in Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC. He’s an amnesiac knight you’ll meet in the Dreg Heap. He always has advice…

Greirat of the Undead Settlement
Greirat is one of the vendors in Dark Souls 3. He can join you at Firelink Shrine if you help him out. Later on, you’ll…

Yuria of Londor
Yuria of Londor is an NPC in Dark Souls 3. She’s a Darkwraith that will show up at Firelink Shrine at some point, giving you…

Leonhard The Ringfinger
Leonhard The Ringfinger is a mysterious NPC from Dark Souls 3. You’ll find him leaning against the highest throne in Firelink Shrine. He’ll give you…

Sirris of The Sunless Realms
Sirris of The Sunless Realms is an NPC in Dark Souls 3. She appears several times throughout the game, and if you help her in…

Anri of Astora
Anri of Astora is one of the more important NPCs in Dark Souls 3. Anri’s gender depends on that of your character (always opposite), and…