The Last of Us 2 'Eastbrook Elementary' collectibles - Artifacts and Journal locations guide

Eastbrook Elementary is one of the areas in the Seattle Day 1 chapter in the Last of Us 2. There are four collectibles there in total – three artifacts and one trading card. They’re easy to miss, since some of them are off the beaten path. If you’re having trouble finding them, this guide will show you all TLoU2 Seattle Day 1 Eastbrook Elementary collectible locations.

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Eastbrook Elementary Artifacts and Journal locations guide
TLoU2 Seattle Day 1 Eastbrook Elementary collectible locations

Leah’s Photograph & Leah’s Note Artifact

When I first started writing this article it took forever to figure out where I picked these two up. It turns out you do not pick these artefacts up at all. They are automatically given to you during the initial cutscene that starts this chapter.

Isaac’s Mandate Artifact Location

One of the artifacts you can find is a letter titled Isaac’s Mandate. It’s hidden in the area where you’re ambushed by three soldiers on a rooftop. There’s a door on the roof, leading into a room with a bunch of crafting materials. You’ll find the letter in that room, on a desk.

TLOU2 Eastbrook Elementary Artifact Isaacs Mandate
Isaac’s Mandate Artefact Location

Cardio Trading Card

There’s also the Cardio trading card. I had to come back to this chapter to locate it, because I somehow missed it the first time around. You’ll find it in the second floor apartment down the street from the school buses. This is the apartment you jump into from the school’s roof. Once you get inside through the balcony, climb over the bed on the right and then enter the first room on the right. You should see a night stand next to the bed there. Open the night stand drawer and you’ll find the trading card. Continue through the same apartment, only its left side (while picking up multiple supplements and parts) to reach the next chapter – Capitol Hill.

Bellow is a youtube video, just in case the images and the explanation were not sufficient enough :).

Previous Chapter
Seattle Day 1: Downtown
Next Chapter
Seattle Day 1: Capitol Hill

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Having games be part of his life since Commodore 64 it was only natural that Serge co-founded With every new game he travels from being the Noob to being Gosu. Whether he does coding or editorial work on the website he is still amazed by the fact that gaming is what he does for living.