Ghost of Tsushima Japanese Dub, Voice Actors, Lip Sync

The Japanese dub, voice acting, and lip sync in Ghost of Tsushima have been a matter of discussion since the game launched. Since the game strives for authenticity, and is a love letter to classic Japanese cinema, Ghost of Tsushima features a Japanese dub, which you can select at the start of the game. So, of course, people are wondering whether the dub is any good regarding the voice acting and the ever-elusive lip syncing. Sub or dub, as it were. So, without further ado, welcome to our Ghost of Tsushima Japanese Dub, Voice Actors, Lip Sync guide.

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Ghost of Tsushima Japanese Dub, Voice Actors, Lip Sync
Ghost of Tsushima Japanese Dub, Voice Actors, Lip Sync

How is Japanese Dub & Japanese Voice Acting in Ghost of Tsushima – Sub or Dub

The Japanese dub and Japanese voice acting in Ghost of Tsushima has some problems, so the eternal question of sub or dub is a little hard to answer. I can’t speak to the accuracy of what they’re saying, since I don’t speak a word of Japanese, but I assume everything is on the up and up in that department. As for the voice acting quality, it sounds fantastic. All the emotion is conveyed well, they all sound distinct, etc. Sony spared no expenses on the voice talent.

So it’s a real shame that there’s no lip syncing to speak of. They didn’t do any mo-cap for the Japanese lines, so you’re stuck with having English mouth movements with Japanese audio, and rarely the twain shall meet. I don’t know what to recommend when it comes to the sub or dub choice. Try both, and see which one you prefer, I suppose.

Is the Japanese Dub Lip Synced in Ghost of Tsushima

No, the Japanese dub is not at all lip synced in Ghost of Tsushima. In fact, it’s kinda like the reverse of Japanese film dubs from the seventies and eighties. The lip movements stay the same as they are in the English version, regardless of what the Japanese audio is saying. So, yeah, you do get the awkward thing where the mouth keeps flapping even when nobody’s talking, or voices coming from closed mouths, you get the idea. Consider wearing a mask at all times.

So, that’s about all there is to know about the Japanese dub, voice acting, and lip syncing in Ghost of Tsushima. If you need more help with the game, check out some of our other Tsushima guides. Among other ones, we’ve written Traveler’s Attire Armor Location Map, Gold, Steel, Iron Locations, and Legendary Thief Armor Location – Cooper Clan Cosplayer.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.