Spare or Kill Leofrith - Truth or Glory Choice and Consequence

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla kill or spare Leofrith is a choice that you’ll have to make in the Heavy is the Head quest. Most choices like these don’t have much of a repercussion in AC Valhalla, but whether you spare or kill Leofrith is not one of them. What you opt for here is going to significantly influence your journey through the game. We’re going to show you the best choice in our Truth or Glory AC Valhalla guide, first without spoilers, and then we’ll dive deeper.

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kill or spare leofrith heavy is the head quest ac valhalla
Kill or Spare Leofrith – Heavy is the Head Quest AC Valhalla

Truth or Glory AC Valhalla

Whether you choose to kill or spare Leofrith in the AC Valhalla Heavy is the Head quest is actually going to impact your overall experience with this game. So, with that I tell you – SPARE Leofrith. That is a way better choice, and you’ll see why as soon as you do. I’m not going to reveal anything else in this section so as to avoid any spoilers. Just trust me; if you spare him, you will have a way easier journey. If you want to find out why, keep reading. You’ve had your warning. Everyone else: let Leofrith live. You won’t regret it.

ac valhalla kill or spare leofrith heavy is the head quest
Kill or Spare Leofrith in AC Valhalla

Spare Leofrith in AC Valhalla Heavy is the Head Quest – What Happens?

If you spare Leofrith in the Heavy is the Head quest in AC Valhalla, he’ll return your kindness with another. He’ll tell you about a statue in Venonis that holds a bowl. Inside that bowl is a scroll with your name on it. If the Zealots find it, they’ll start hunting you and never stop. However, if you head over there immediately and burn it, they’ll leave you alone, because they’ll never find the contract. So, find the “Hunted” quest in the menu, track it, and hoof it for Venonis.

heavy is the head ac valhalla quest kill or spare leofrith
Burn the note in the statue’s bowl

Mind you, burning the contract doesn’t mean that the Zealots will disappear from the map. You can still hunt them down at your leisure. The difference is that they won’t actively pester you as you’re trying to do something else. Plus, Leofrith decides to go hunt his traitorous king down in Rome. Everybody wins!

What Happens if You Kill Leofrith in Heavy is the Head AC Valhalla Quest

If you choose to kill Leofrith at the end of the AC Valhalla Heavy is the Head quest, you’ll give him what a Viking would consider an honorable death. You’ll even name him a drengr, which loosely translates to “badass warrior.” It’s a huge honor. Besides, even Odin kinda hints that that’s what you should do; not that I trust that shifty dude for a minute.

So that’s great and honorable and all, but he’ll never tell you about the Zealot scroll at the statue, meaning that they’ll eventually find it and the hunt is on. From that moment further, you’ll always have to be looking over your shoulder. Oh, and Leofrith will never get the opportunity to take his revenge against Burgred. Just an all-around bummer.

If you need help with anything else in the game, we've got a metric ton of other guides for you to check out. For example, we've written AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Armor Set Locations - Ratae Bureau Armor & Londinium Bureau Key for quest A Brief History of The Hidden Ones, that will reward you with the Hidden Ones armor. We can also help with whether you want to let Rued Live or Die - Kill or Spare Rued Choice Consequences, or who to give silver to in AC Valhalla War Weary quest , and a well hidden AC Valhalla Comb location for Bil Maiden's Missive Rygjafylke World Event. Puzzle that caused us big problems was Unseal The Well during the quest Well Traveled. And, yes, we do have many more coming, stay tuned.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.