Final Fantasy 15 Stealing the Past - Secret Quest
Where to start FFXV Secret Quest
First off, you’ll need to complete the main story and get the Flying Regalia upgrade. If you haven’t done it so far, you can find all the information needed in our How to get FFXV Regalia Type-F Guide.
The next stop is Lestallum. Make sure it’s night. Head to the eastern part of the city, just north of the Restaurant (Tozus Counter), east of the Arms Vendor (Culless Munitions) and the Shop (Moatte’s Odds ‘n’ Ends). You’ll find a set of stairs in this part of the city, going up.
On one side of the stairs are rocks, and on the other is a house. This is where you’ll find a window you can interact with. You’ll see the “Listen” interaction option. Use the appropriate button to start it. This action starts the secret quest – Stealing the Past.
FF 15 Stealing the Past Quest
Although it is marked as a level 60 quest, you don’t need to fight any monsters in it. To complete this task, you’ll need to search for a suspicious building further to the west. The area is called Rock of Ravatogh. The quest description reveals more about this it.
Strolling through Lestallum, the companions overhear retired thieves reminisce about the past. It seems some manner of treasure lies unclaimed in the vicinity of the Rock of Ravatogh. Noctis and his friends vow to do what the thieves could not and locate the treasure.
Secret Quest Rewards
Stay alert, because you’ll get more than the 50 000 exp promised in the quest. The first step is to head to the Rock of Ravatogh. From there fly off with the Regalia. The goal is to land on a landing strip in the mountains. This exact spot would be extremely difficult to find if it weren’t marked on the map. If you take a look at the map, north from the Rock of Ravatogh, you’ll see a bright yellow straight line. This is where you have to land. If you are still having problems, we’ve made a separate guide about it.
Once you successfully land, head north. After four groups of enemies, you’ll get to the marked area. Head east from here. Find a gap between the rocks. Follow this path. Soon enough, you’ll get to the man-made structure. This is the entrance to the secret dungeon Pitioss.
Go up the two sets of stairs, jump over a small gap. After the first strong turn right, you’ll see an item on the ground. This is the Magitek Core – the main quest reward. As you pick it up, the quest will end.
Magitek Core is an important upgrade material for the Drillbreaker machinery weapon. It is the main ingredient in the “A Better Drillbreaker Quest”.

It’s been so long but just want to say that the item is on the floor between the gap next to the second set of stairs.
There was no reward in the corner and you say nothing about the puzzle.
Its really hard to land on the road without crashing, any tips?
I was having a lot of trouble with that and with slowing the Regalia down for the landing, until I realized I had the car set on automatic mode. After setting it to manual driving I think I landed it on the second try.
If you keep going through the fence where you get the chance magitek core and press that button it will lead you to some sort of puzzle with a lot of loot. I’m having trouble figureing it out and I’ve been in here for like well over an hour
i recommend when anyone does this you eat the food that gives 100% exp so you get 100k instead of 50k
After getting 100k exp, travel past to altissia and spend 15k for exp 3.0x, now you’ll get 300k ?
Nighttime only, Daytime it’s not there.
Just a quick note that was missing : You can only “listen” at the window at night in Lestallum.