Genshin Impact ARCHIVE - Page 11

how to get kfc glider genshin impact

How to Get KFC Glider Genshin Impact

Those of you that want to know how to get the KFC glider in Genshin Impact, you’ve come to the right place. The elusive glider…

how to build snowman in genshin impact

How to Build Snowman in Genshin Impact

Figuring out how to build the Puffy Snowman in Genshin Impact is a fairly major part of the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event. It is a…

Hidden Achievements Genshin Impact 2.3

Hidden Achievements Genshin Impact 2.3

There have been a number of exciting hidden achievements added to Genshin Impact 2.3. These tie into the hangouts Beidou and Gorou. To get them,…