Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Invitation of Windblume Release Date & Time

Invitation of Windblume event in Genshin Impact is coming soon, and it’s piquing the interest of the player base. New content is always a reason to celebrate in games like these, so people are wondering when they can start playing the Windblume event and discover all it has to offer. Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be showing you in our Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Invitation of Windblume Release Date & Time guide.

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genshin impact update 1 4 invitation of windblume release date & time
Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Invitation of Windblume Release Date & Time

Release Date & Time of Invitation of Windblume Genshin Impact Update 1.4

The Genshin Impact Invitation of Windblume update 1.4 release date is March 19th, and the release time is 10 AM server time. The Event Shop will launch on the same time and date. As for the end of the event, it’ll wrap up on April 5th at 03:59 server time. The Event Store will stay in the game until April 12th at 03:59 server time. That means that you’ll have an extra few days to use up the resources that you’ve gathered during the Invitation of Windblume.

Genshin Impact Update 1.4 introduces new Hangout events with four different characters. Each hangout has several different endings, and you should unlock all of them to get different rewards and hidden achievements. You can check out Barbara & Bennett endings in our guides below.

  1. Barbara Hangout All 5 Endings
  2. Bennett Hangout All 6 Endings
  3. Chongyun Hangout All 6 Endings
  4. Noelle Hangout All 6 Endings
  5. Bullseye Balloon Genshin Impact Windblume Festival
  6. Clear the Piles of Floral Debris Off the Rooftop
  7. Ballads of Breeze Genshin Impact

Speaking of, let’s get into the details of the event itself. During the Windblume Festival, you’ll be able to participate in challenges to earn two currencies – Festive Tour Tickets and Peculiar Collab Coupons. You can use these in the Event Store to purchase the event-exclusive Windblume Ode bow, as well as its exclusive Visible Winds refinement material, Crown of Insight, and more. There will also be four acts of “Festive Anecdotes,” which will unlock over time and offer new quests. Completing will earn you rewards, like Primogems, Character EXP Materials, and Mora.

So, that’s the release date and time of the Genshin Impact update 1.4 Invitation of Windblume event. If you want more info on the event, stay tuned to GosuNoob. We’ll be covering the details of Invitation of Windblume as more info comes out; stuff like Elegy for the End & Alley Flash and more.

Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.