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Archives for author: Gosu No0b

bloodborne stats guide

Stats and Origins guide

When you first start creating your character in Bloodborne you might wonder what is the difference between initial attributes for different origins you can pick…

bloodborne controls

Bloodborne list of controls

Bloodborne control scheme will be pretty familiar to anyone who has played the Demons Souls or Dark Souls games. However, you’ll encounter several unique elements….

destiny patch 1.1.1

Destiny Patch 1.1.1 is live – February 25th

Destiny’s 1.1.1 patch is live and comes with a handful of changes which include improvements to weapons and reputation User Interface, important changes to heroic strike matchmaking and enemies in Crucilble, and much more.

The Order: 1886 List of Controls

List of Controls

There are hotkeys for almost every move you perform in The Order:1886, and if you are not familiar with them, it will drastically slow down…

the order 1886 trophy list

Achievements and Trophies List

While adventuring through an alternate London history in The Order: 1886 you will be able to complete 21 Trophies / Achievements. Platinum trophy “The Grail”…

TWBA teamfight

To Arms – The Witcher Battle Arena

While we’re all eagerly awaiting May and the impending release of The Witcher 3, CD Projekt RED and Fuero Games have decided to treat us…

pc michael

GTA 5 PC New Release Date March 24

Today Rockstar Games announced that the release date of the Grand Theft Auto V for PC has been shifted to March 24, 2015.