Destiny 2 Maintenance - September 22nd, Update

Destiny 2 servers are down due to maintenance. The game is being patched with update, and the servers are down while the work goes on. They’ll go up along with the weekly reset, but a lot of folks have no idea when exactly that’s supposed to happen. And they’re understandably antsy. This guide will show you when will Destiny 2 maintenance September 22nd end.

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destiny 2 maintenance september 22nd
Destiny 2 Maintenance – September 22nd, Update

Destiny 2 server maintenance schedule & time

Maintenance started at 8 AM PDT (11 AM EDT, 5 PM CEST), and forty five minutes later everyone lost access to the game. The update will be available for download at 10AM PDT (1 PM EDT, 7 PM CEST), which is when you’ll be allowed to log back into the game. That doesn’t mean everyone will be able to get on – only at 11AM PDT (2 PM PDT, 8 PM CEST) will everyone be allowed back in. That is, if everything goes as planned.

Seeing how Destiny 2 is a live game, one that has been updated and upgraded countless times over the years, it might just be held together by duct tape and good will. Which means you might have to wait a bit longer than expected. If you’re optimistic, you can start checking at 10 AM PDT, which is when the first wave of logins will be allowed.

Once the update is live, the weekly reset will take place as well. Incidentally, this is also when the game, along with its many expansions, will become available on the Xbox Game Pass. Don’t let the name fool you – games from the Xbox Game Pass are often also available on PC and even Android. It’s a big undertaking, but it makes sense to do it now – in less than two months, Beyond Light is going to make the game even bigger and more cumbersome to move around.

If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.

Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.