Tag Archives: Guardians of the Galaxy

Rethink Choice or Accept the Promise – Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is chalk full of choices you can make. Sometimes, these will have major ramifications, such as in the Sell Rocket…

Guardians of the Galaxy Buy Disabler or Refuse
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is full of tough choices that you will be forced to make. Sometimes these choices have an obvious better one…

Break Out of the Vault Guardians of the Galaxy
In Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, the titular team will find themselves in many sticky situations. One of these has the Guardians stuck in a…

Guardians of the Galaxy – Free Ticket to the Collector’s Emporium
There are many things you can miss if you make the wrong choices in Guardians of the Galaxy. For example, one of these comes in…

How to Use Star Lord’s Abilities in Guardians of the Galaxy
Being the (un)official leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord is the character you will spend the most time directly controlling in the game….

Not Able to Scan Objects Bug Fix – Guardians Of the Galaxy
While the release of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has largely been without any major issues, several persistent problems did occur. These include the Pre-order…

Guardians of the Galaxy Steam Controller buttons mapped wrong fix
Marvel’s Guardian of the Galaxy has finally launched on the Steam, but players are experiencing a little strange error – their controller buttons are mapped…

Pre-order Code Not Working Deluxe Edition Skins – Processing Your Code – Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is out, and some players are reporting that they are not getting the Deluxe Edition skins they are entitled to….

Guardians of the Galaxy Nikki Choices – Tell Ko-Rel the Truth or Take the Blame
In Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, you will periodically need to make certain dialogue choices. These can have unexpected consequences down the line, like the…

Sell Rocket or Sell Groot – Guardians of the Galaxy Choice
What would a Guardians of the Galaxy game be without outrageous plans? These never end up well for the team, and one of the choices…

Guardians of the Galaxy Huddle Correct Answer – Laughing in the Face of Danger – Don’t Get Cocky
Huddles are a new mechanic introduced in Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. When a combat situation goes poorly, you can call a huddle. This will…

How to Claim Pre-Order Bonus & Deluxe Edition Items Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is finally out. In this action-adventure, you will be able to play as members of the titular hero team and…

Guardians of the Galaxy gets the Telltale treatment
Marvel’s runaway hit of 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy, is getting a game of its own. It is a Telltale game, so that should give…