Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Archives Skull Statue Puzzle Solution

The skull statue bookcase hidden door puzzle in the Archives of Jakob’s Estate can first be found during the Lair of the Harpy mission in Borderlands 3. However, figuring out how to unlock the hidden bookcase door is a whole other matter. Turns out, you can’t even open it during the Lair of the Harpy mission. We’ll explain the situation more thoroughly in our Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Archives Skull Statue Puzzle Solution guide.

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Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Archives Skull Statue Puzzle Solution
Borderlands 3 Lair of the Harpy Archives Skull Statue Puzzle Solution

How to Open Skull Bookcase in Lair of the Harpy Borderlands 3 Mission?

UPDATE: As it turns out, the skull bookcase puzzle is not story related. You can indeed open it by interacting with specific items in the manor, as discovered by Borderlands 3 forum user aste0203. Specifically, there’s a portrait of Aurelia in the east of the manor, a bearded bust next to a fireplace on the second floor of the archives, and a bookshelf in the corner of Monty’s Den. Head over to our Borderlands 3 Jakobs Estate Skull Bookshelf Puzzle Solution guide for more exact instructions.

To open the secret door behind the skull bookcase in the Archives during the Borderlands 3 Liar of the Harpy mission, you’ll have to push further through the story. Just like you’ve (probably) opened the exact same door in Monty’s Den down in the basement. Much like with almost every similar secret in Borderlands 3, it’s gonna open when it’s well good and ready for you, while you do your darned best to keep your horses held.

Now, admittedly, this information is second-hand; we haven’t progressed far enough into the game in order to have unlocked the hidden door. So, we can’t tell you exactly during which quest it’s gonna open. That said, it stands to reason that waiting for the plot to loop you back is what you have to do. This isn’t the first instance of such a thing in Borderlands 3. For example, it seems that the locked door in the Holy Broadcast Center also opens later down the line. So, just be patient and let it come to you.

Just in case you’re having trouble with something else in the game, I’m gonna direct you to our plethora of other Borderlands 3 guides. We can help you with articles such as On The Blood Path – Side With Holder or Ramsden and Holy Spirits Intoxicated Ratch Liver Locations.

If you're having trouble with other things in the game, you might want to check out some of the other guides we've written. We've listed the locations of Red Chests, Typhon Logs, Dead Claptrap Parts and Hijack Targets. We've explored the mission choices, like what happens when you side with Holder or Ramsden in On The Blood Path, or when you tell Rhys to keep or lose mustache in Atlas at Last. We've also covered secrets, like the one where you have to open the Holy Broadcast Center locked door.

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A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.