Destiny 2 Exotic Cipher - How to Use

Exotic Cipher is an extremely rare currency in Destiny 2. Until today, there was only one way to get it. Now, pretty much everyone has one, thanks to the Helsom memorial quest. All these new cipher owners are now wondering how they can use this new item – the description points you in the right direction, but it might be too vague. Besides, who reads these things? This guide will show you how to use Destiny 2 exotic cipher.

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destiny 2 exotic cipher how to use
Destiny 2 Exotic Cipher

How to use exotic cipher in Destiny 2?

If you look at the description of the exotic cipher, you’ll see you can give it to the Cryptarch or Xur. You’ll also see you can hold only one of those in your inventory – this means both your person and the vault – so it’s probably best to use it as soon as you get it.

If you bring it to Master Rahool, you’ll be able to exchange it (and a bunch of other resources) for an exotic weapon from the olden days. You’ll need glimmer and Enhancement Prisms, along with some planetary materials. The available weapons include Eriana’s Vow, Bastion, Devil’s Run, Symmetry and more.

If you’re not intereted in any of the weapons the Cryptarch has to offer, you can wait for Xur and bring it to him instead. He’ll give you another exotic engram in exchange for it. There’s no telling what you’ll get, but even a chance to get something nice is better than nothing.

How to get exotic cipher?

There’s only one way to get exotic ciphers, apart from the memorial quest on Mars. It’s the season pass – there’s one at rank 55 of the free track in the Season of Arrivals. This means everyone can get it. Hopefully next season’s pass will have at least one as well – it’s a neat way to complete your collection.

If you need further help with Destiny 2 Shadowkeep, check out our guides on Dead Ghost Locations, Jade Rabbit Locations, and Eyes on the Moon - How to Start Vex Invasion. If it's Exotic Weapons that you're after, we've got you covered with our Pain And Gain Exotic Quest and Deathbringer Exotic Rocket Launcher - Symphony of Death guides. Going back in time for new players, we can offer you guides like Ikelos Weapons - How to Get SMG, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun, or, if you're playing Forsaken content, guides like Corsair Down & Badge - Dead Body Locations.

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Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.