
How to Kill Commander Zhalk Easily and Get Fire Sword Baldur's Gate 3

How to Kill BG3 Commander Zhalk

There are many, many fearsome foes for you to battle and defeat in Baldur’s Gate III. Killing them is typically very beneficial, since they drop all sorts of powerful loot for you to use (or sell for a tidy profit). However, some enemies are a lot easier to take down than others. For example, the…


BG3 Strange Ox Explained

The Strange Ox in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a strange “NPC” that you might encounter in the Druid’s Grove. Those of you that can speak…

Guardian Baldur’s Gate 3

The Guardian in Baldur’s Gate 3 is the character you design after you create your own character. You can’t customize them completely, such as choose…