RDR2 Online How to Buy, Change Shack & Get Free Shack Upgrade - Moonshiners
Buying Moonshine shack can be a big problem if you click back during the cutscene. But we have a solution for you. Also, changing the location of your moonshine shack in Red Dead Online, and getting a free shack upgrade in the latest RDR2 Online Moonshiners update will be covered in this guide. The moonshine shack location change might be necessary if you change your mind about where your business should be. As for the free upgrade, well, who doesn’t want something for free? With that in mind, we’ll answer both of these questions in our RDR2 Online How to Buy, Change Shack & Get Free Shack Upgrade guide.

How to buy Moonshine Shack if you back out of the cutscene
From the Free Roam menu choose Camp & Properties, and you’ll be able to buy Shack for 25 Gold.
How to Change Moonshine Shack Location in Red Dead Online?
To change the location of your moonshine shack in Red Dead Online, go into the Free Roam menu. Then, scroll down and select Camp & Properties. The next step is to select Moonshine Shack, followed by Change Shack Location. The game will once again give you the list of five potential moonshine shack locations. Choose the one you want, and pay the $250 fee. Yes, it’s really pricey, so you have to be absolutely certain that you want to do this. When you pony up the money, the location of your moonshine shack will change instantly and automatically, as you’ll be able to see clearly on the map.
How to Get Free Red Dead Online Moonshine Shack Upgrade?
To get a free moonshine shack upgrade in Red Dead Online, you have to have your Twitch Prime account linked with your Rockstar account. And also have “good standing,” and all of that by December 12th, so that’s something to keep in mind. When you start getting into moonshining, you’ll be able to get the Polished Copper Still Upgrade for free (as well as the Collector’s Bag).
If you don’t have a Twitch Prime account, and / or haven’t linked it with your Red Dead Online account by December 12th, despair not. You can still get the moonshine shack upgrade for free. All you have to do is link the two and wait 72 hours, and you’ll have the chance to get the Polished Copper Still Upgrade for free.
If you are interested in additional Moonshine Shack Decor take a look at our RDR2 Online Moonshine Shack Upgrades where you can see how Floral, Refined and Hunter Decor look like.
Where to Buy the Moonshine Shack and How?
To buy your own moonshine shack in Red Dead Online, you first have to reach a Trader level of at least 5, or complete a trader sell mission. Then, when you download the update, open your satchel and find the Business Opportunity Letter from Cripps. Upon reading the letter, the game will mark a specific location in Emerald Ranch for you. So, make your way over there. You’re looking for a small, green shack with the word “Saloon” on it. Go inside and watch the cutscene. At one point, you’ll get a map from which you’ll be able to choose which moonshine shack you want. For more info on that, check out our RDR2 Online Best Shack Location guide.
If you end up getting stuck at another point, you might want to check out some of the other guides we have. We've written about mysteries like the missing person Gavin, the Rhodes Gunsmith prisoner, the locked door at Valentine doctor. We also have instructional guides that show how to rob stores without getting bounty or where to sell jewelry and gold bars. If it's collectibles or key items you're after, we've found all the Penny Dreadful comic books, Chick's treasure map location, or that famous pipe for Dutch. Finally, if you don't care to explore the map yourself, you could take a look at our Watson's Cabin and Catfish Jackson's Homestead locations guides. In the latest Red Dead Online Moonshiners Update you'll have a chance to find Navy Revolver and Best Shack Locations.