Tag Archives: destiny exotic items

Abbadon Exotic Machine Gun – Hymns of Fire Quest
Abbadon is an exotic weapon in Destiny. It’s a machine gun with 370 attack that does solar damage. You can acquire it during the Dawning…

Nova Mortis Exotic Machine Gun – Songs From the Void Quest
Nova Mortis is an exotic machine gun in Destiny. It was added during the Dawning event. It has 370 attack, does void damage and has…

Outbreak Prime Exotic Pulse Rifle
Outbreak Prime is an exotic pusle rifle you can get in Destiny: Rise of Iron. It has 390 Light Level and does increased damage to…

Khvostov 7G-0X Exotic Auto Rifle Quest
Khvostov 7G-0X is an exotic auto rifle in Destiny: Rise of Iron. It’s a remake of an older weapon – it’s very similar, but with…

Thorn Exotic Hand Cannon Quest
Year 3 Thorn is an exotic weapon in Destiny: Rise of Iron. It’s the new version of the popular Thorn hand cannon, with more damage…

Young Wolf’s Howl Exotic Sword
Young Wolf’s Howl is a new exotic sword in Destiny: Rise of Iron. It’s a part of the Iron Lords gear, and you can get…

Sleeper Simulant Exotic Fusion Rifle
The Sleeper Simulant is an exotic fusion rifle in Destiny: The Taken King. The shots it fires pierce enemies and bounce off hard surfaces. To…

Touch of Malice – Exotic Scout Rifle guide
Touch of Malice is an Exotic scout rifle in Destiny: The Taken King, available after completing Eris quest chain. Obtaining this weapon takes time and…

Ace of Spades Exotic Hand Cannon
The latest Destiny patch The Taken King comes with a handful of updates including new better weapons. Ace of Spades is another exotic weapon available…

Gunsmith Weapon Field Test Tasks Guide
With the Taken King a new mechanic was introduced to Banshee-44, aka the Gunsmith. This Tower vendor now has reputation levels you can earn and…

Exotic Blueprints
Exotic Blueprints are a way to craft exotic items in Destiny: The Taken King. They can be used to craft Year 1 exotics if you’ve…

How To Get Year 2 Exotic Weapons
Year 2 Exotic Weapons are a new batch of items in Destiny, added with The Taken King. They can be obtained through quests, by using…

Preview of The Dark Bellow exotics and legendary weapons
The Dark Bellow DLC is almost upon us. We are mere hours before it goes live on Destiny servers. Some news outlets got a chance…

How to upgrade Exotic weapons and armour through Xur
Destiny’s first expansion The Dark Below launches on December 9th, 2014, and brings some big adjustments to exotic items. Since this expansion increases the Light…

New Destiny Exotic Items after update November 17
More than 20 new exotic weapon and armor items are available in Destiny after the latest update on November 17th.