
gta 5 peyote location

GTA 5 Peyote plant locations

Peyote is a small white plant scattered across the map of San Andreas. It’s hard to spot, but you’ll hear a specific sound when you are close to it. After consuming this plant your character will start hallucinating and you will be transformed into a random animal such as a chicken, deer, seagull, hawk, crow,…


Destiny Hot Fix December 8th

Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below will become available for download by players on December 9th at 1AM Pacific time. Before it arrives, this update will support the delivery of new content.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Elder Blood Trailer

The 2014 Game Awards have come and gone, and CD Projekt RED gave us a special treat with a brand new trailer for the upcoming Witcher 3: Wild Hunt video game. The most surprising twist is the fact that Geralt of Rivia isn’t the only playable character in the upcoming game.

Destiny Rumor Third Subclass

According to Tyson Green, Bungie Lead designer, Destiny’s rumored third subclass slot on each guardian’s character screen has another meaning

Destiny Update November 17th 2014

Today’s update 1.0.3 provides many improvements to the game like new social features, revisions to activities, alterations to competitive spaces, adjustments to the player overall…

Optimal Playable Settings

Today GEFORCE posted an article about Unity’s PC-only upgrades, explain how they work, show comparisons that highlight their benefits, and offer optimal playable setting recommendations for GeForce GTX GPUs that can tackle Unity’s graphically-intensive action.

Blizzard’s New Game – Overwatch

Today at BlizzCon 2014, Blizzard announced a brand new team-based shooter – Overwatch. Development of the game is led by experienced hands of Jeff Kaplan,…