
The Witcher 3 Cover Image

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers 16 free DLCs for everyone

CD Projekt Red recently published great news for the fans of The Witcher franchise. Next sequel, The Witcher 3, will feature 16 DLCs, which will be updated over the course of several weeks. The surprising matter is that the DLCs will be up for grabs to anyone who picks up the game prior or subsequent…


GTA V Dualshock features

Rockstar Games keeps piling on the good news containing new features of GTA V new-gen console release. Recently, they’ve published a video regarding the all-new…

Work on Destiny 2 has begun

Activision’s CEO Eric Hirshberg has revealed today that another sequel of Destiny is in works. The publisher’s focus on the franchise will be immense in…

The Witcher 3 Collector’s edition

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Collector’s edition contains Handmade figure of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin, a cloth made map, game soundtrack CD, two-hundred page artbook…

Character skills in GTA 5

While playing GTA 5 you can level up 8 character skills – Stamina, Shooting, Strength, Stealth, Flying, Driving, Lung Capacity, and Special. In this guide you’ll discover the main role of each skill and the easiest way to upgrade it.

Far Cry 4 Achievements list

While wandering throughout the open world of Kyrat and completing numerous missions, Far Cry 4 fans can accomplish 50 achievements. In addition to different activities like killing enemies, finding collectibles or crafting items, these leaked achievements reveal some secret content as well.