Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.

Archives for author: Ketchua

mafia 3 errors problems

Errors & Problems in Mafia 3

Mafia 3 is out, and the PC version has had a troublesome start. Players are already complaining about crashes, poor performance and other issues. Some…

mafia 3 underboss perks upgrades

Underboss Perks & Upgrades

Mafia 3 Underbosses are your loyal lieutenants who can run daily operations in captured districts instead of you. Once you conquer an area, you’ll get…

mafia 3 controls list

Controls List

Mafia 3 is out, and it allows you to be the vengeful murderer you always wanted to be. It lets you to drive across a…

mafia 3 30 fps lock how to fix

Mafia 3 30 FPS Lock – How to fix it

Mafia 3 isn’t officialy out yet, but some streamers and members of the press have received early copies. While they’re slowly trudging through the game…

mafia 3 launch trailer

Mafia 3 Launch Trailer Released

2K Games has released the launch trailer for Mafia 3. It’s a highly cinematic video, made up of thrilling scenes of Lincoln and his associates…

final fantasy xv moogle

Moogles in FFXV

More than a year ago, Square Enix revealed there won’t be any Moogles in Final Fantasy XV. A large part of the fanbase got quite…

mafia 3 robbing stores

Robbing Stores in Mafia 3

Robbing Stores is one of the activities you can do while taking a break from the main missions in Mafia 3. It’s a profitable way…

mafia 3 car customization

Car Customization

Mafia 3 takes place in a huge city. Getting to places requires lots of driving. Since you’ll be spending a big chunk of your time…

mafia 3 fight club activity

Fight Club Activity

Mafia 3 has a bunch of activities you can partake in. These aren’t strictly missions, but something like side-quests, which you can do if you…

how to make money in mafia 3

How to Make Money in Mafia 3

You’ll need a lot of money if you want to enjoy your time as Lincoln Clay in Mafia 3. Being a crime lord isn’t cheap,…

mafia 3 best car locations

Best Car Locations

Mafia 3 features several dozen cars you can drive. You can either get them by stealing or buying them. Each model has unique traits that…

mafia 3 vargas painting locations

Vargas Painting Locations

Vargas Paintings are a type of collectible you can gather in Mafia 3. These paintings feature pin-up girls painted by the famous artist Alberto Vargas….

mafia 3 playboy magazine locations

Playboy Magazine Locations

Playboy Magazine is one of the collectibles in Mafia 3. There are 50 of them to be found in New Bordeaux, and each one contains…

mafia 3 tips tricks

Mafia 3 Tips & Tricks

Mafia 3, the latest edition of the open world action series, is just around the corner. It will let you drive around a sprawling city,…

mafia 3 character customization

Mafia 3 Character Customization

In Mafia 3, you play as Lincoln Clay, a character with a defined look and personality. Even though he is a person, not just an…

mafia 3 cars vehicles

Mafia 3 Cars & Vehicles List

As suspected, Mafia 3 will have a wide variety of cars and even boats available in the game. Each one is very similar to the…