Author Ketchua profile picture
Ketchua has been writing about games for far too long. As Señor Editor, he produces words (and stuff) for Gosunoob. There are a lot of words (and stuff) there, so he's terribly busy. Especially if you need something.

Archives for author: Ketchua

division incursion falcon lost

Falcon Lost Incursion

We got a peek of what’s coming to The Division in the near future, by hitting level 30 in PvE. A new marker appeared on…

weapon gear blueprints side missions

Weapon & Gear Blueprints in Side Missions

Side Mission Blueprints are rewards for completing side missions in The Division. They’re used for crafting weapons, gear and mods of differenty quality. This guide…

phoenix credits guide

Phoenix Credits Guide

Phoenix Credits are a high level currency in The Division. They’re the third and most rare form of money in the game, used solely for…

ECHO General Crossroad Pyre Burnt

Garment District Collectible Locations

Garment District is one of the areas in The Division. It’s the early PvE part closest to the Dark Zone. There are 8 collectibles hidden…

how to level up fast division

How to Level Up Fast

Leveling Up in The Division is done by completing misions, killing enemies and finding collectibles. The highest level you can get is rank 30 and…

agent origins outfit sets division

Agent Origins Outift Sets

Agent Origins outfit sets are packs of clothing items in The Division. They were part of a promotion and could be obtained free of charge…

the division beta errors and problems

Errors & Problems in The Division

The Division has launched and some people are experiencing problems with it. Error reports are slowly popping up all over the internet. Common issues are…

The Division Items Trading Group

How to Trade Items in The Division

Item Trading is the process of exchanging gear and weapons with other players. It isn’t officially supported in The Division, although the developers have announced…

how to play coop use matchmaking division

How to Play Coop & Use Matchmaking

The Division is a hard game to play alone. The enemies can overwhelm you in no time. Thankfully, you can group with other players and…

clothing item farming locations division

Clothing Item Farming

Clothing items are pieces of clothes that change your appearance in The Division. There are dozens of items you can use for appearance customization. Collecting…

clutch elite enemy division dark zone

Named Boss Locations

Named mobs are a type of enemies you’ll encounter in The Division. They’re tougher than the normal thugs you’ll fight most of the time. These…

best starting weapons in the division

Best Starting Weapons

There are six classes of weapons in The Division. Each of them has unique qualities that make it more or less useful in certain situations….

division dark zone chest and key locations

Dark Zone Key & Chest Locations

Dark Zone Chests are rare loot containers in The Division. Found in the PvP areas of the game, they contain the best loot, as well…

skills in the division

Skills in The Division

Skills are active abilities in The Division. They are divided into three trees – Medical, Tech and Security. Each tree consists of four skills –…

division achievements trophies

Achievements & Trophies in The Division

The Division is an MMO shooter, set in a fictional post-disaster New York. You play the part of a government Agent trying to restore order…

division year one content trailer

Year One Trailer for The Division

Ubisoft have released a video detailing their plans for the first year of The Division. They’ve decided to add content on a regular basis –…

division weapon mods

Weapon Mods

Weapon mods are improvements that can be attached to weapons in The Division. Each item in the game has a certain number of mod slots,…

hitman open beta

Playstation Plus Beta for Hitman

IO Interactive and Sony are partnering to bring us an open beta for Hitman. It will take place during the weekend (March 4th through 6th)…